Quería comprar alcohol para un amigo y por esto la cajera no dudó en humillarla

La vendedora no tuvo tacto alguno a la hora de reaccionar ante la condición de la joven, quien se sintió pasada a llevar con el incómodo momento. 

Becci Wain, de 21 años, intentó comprar una botella de espumante en una tienda comercial inglesa a modo de regalo, pero la cajera le negó esta posibilidad tras ver unas cicatrices que tiene en sus brazos, producto de los cortes que ella misma se infringía hace un tiempo.

“La botella de espumante era para el cumpleaños de mi amigo, claramente no era para mí pues la estaba comprando con caja y una tarjeta de cumpleaños”, contó la chica a Metro.

PIC FROM MERCURY PRESS (PICTURED: THE BOTTLE OF CHAMPAGNE BECCI WAIN WAS ATTEMPTING TO BUY FROM TESCO) A young healthcare assistant was left ëdisgusted and humiliatedí after she claims Tesco staff refused to sell her alcohol ñ due to the SCARS on her arms. Becci Wain says she was attempting to buy a bottle of champagne for a friendís birthday present when the staff member spotted her six-month-old scars from where she previously self-harmed. The 21-year-old, from Cambridge, was horrified when the checkout worker said she couldnít buy the alcohol due to the scars, despite showing her ID. Staff allegedly told her this was the supermarketís policy regarding scars however when she alerted head office to the incident she was told no such policy existed. Becci, who has been seeing a therapist for six months since she stopped self-harming, now wants proper training for all supermarket staff. SEE MERCURY COPY

“Mostré mi carnet de identidad, pero cuando la mujer de la caja me vio me preguntó ‘¿Seguro lo tienes permitido con esas cicatrices en tus brazos?'”, agregó la chica en su relato.

Ante la negativa, la joven pidió hablar con un supervisor, a quien tuvo que esperar para que le explicara que “era política de Tesco (la tienda) no hacer la venta debido a mis cicatrices, sin embargo, entendió que se trataba de un regalo y permitió que me vendieran la botella”.

PIC FROM MERCURY PRESS (PICTURED: BECCA WAIN'S SCARS ON HER ARMS AND LEGS FROM HER SELF HARMING) A young healthcare assistant was left ëdisgusted and humiliatedí after she claims Tesco staff refused to sell her alcohol ñ due to the SCARS on her arms. Becci Wain says she was attempting to buy a bottle of champagne for a friendís birthday present when the staff member spotted her six-month-old scars from where she previously self-harmed. The 21-year-old, from Cambridge, was horrified when the checkout worker said she couldnít buy the alcohol due to the scars, despite showing her ID. Staff allegedly told her this was the supermarketís policy regarding scars however when she alerted head office to the incident she was told no such policy existed. Becci, who has been seeing a therapist for six months since she stopped self-harming, now wants proper training for all supermarket staff. SEE MERCURY COPY

Becci, quien se encuentra en tratamiento psicológico hace unos seis meses, cuando paró de infringirse cortes, manifestó que el persona de los supermercados y otras tiendas deberían capacitarse en cómo tratar a la gente como ella.

Por su parte, la tienda declaró que “todo nuestro personal está capacitado en la venta responsable de alcohol, pero reconocemos que en esta instancia hubo una falta. Estamos tranquilos de que la señorita Wain haya aceptado nuestras disculpas y nos informó que seguirá comprando con nosotros”.